News | 22 August 2024 | Article

CLEVERFOOD peer-learning programme: Second call for participants

CLEVERFOOD peer-learning programme: Second call for participants

Are you a city or another entity implementing a food policy lab or a food policy council? Do you wish to learn from experienced peers, give visibility to your initiative, and expand your network? 

The CLEVERFOOD peer-learning program aims to support food policy labs and councils in facilitating the exchange of experiences to address challenges and develop solutions for creating food system governance strategies and policies. 

The program is currently seeking fellows through an open call.  

Participants will have the exciting opportunity to learn from experienced peers, exchange about common challenges, and expand their knowledge. They will also benefit from Eurocities’ expertise in organizing peer-learning programs and promoting knowledge-sharing for local actions. The program provides engagement opportunities such as participating in 2-day peer-learning in-person visits to observe the running of food policy labs and food policy councils, as well as online webinars supporting multi-actor initiatives. 

The initiative targets labs and food policy councils in EU member states or approved Horizon Europe Associated Countries. These entities must be policy-oriented, actively involving stakeholders, and contribute to developing food system governance strategies and policies at the city or national level. 

Do you want to learn more about this opportunity and become part of this exciting process? Read the full call and apply by completing the form by 27 September 2024. 

For the frequently asked questions consult this page: CLEVERFOOD peer-learning programme: Second call for participants – Food2030