News | 11 April 2024 | Article

Follow FoSSNet on LinkedIn to keep up with food systems science

Follow FoSSNet on LinkedIn to keep up with food systems science

What is the purpose of the FoSSNet LinkedIn page? 

Promoting connections and collaboration among all food system actors, scientists and non-academics, is a core element of FoSSNet. As a way of amplifying its reach and engagement, a LinkedIn page dedicated to the FoSSNet project was created. This page aims to be a platform to communicate the project’s scope, highlighting its relevance within the current panorama of Europe’s food system, introduce partner organisations and share updates on the project’s activities and outputs (e.g. reports, policy briefs, factsheets, etc.). Additionally, it serves as a space for networking among people interested in food systems, from students and young researchers, to professionals, policymakers and citizens.  

In short, this page can be an entry point for you to be involved in the project and interact with the community we are hoping to build, as well as to closely follow the work being developed. 

Reach out and stay up to date with the project’s development 

Over the course of the project, FoSSNet will organise several events, such as conferences and summer schools, and develop tools and materials to advance food systems science. Innovative ideas, fresh perspectives and diverse experiences are needed, and your contributions are valued! If you wish to participate in the initiatives FoSSNet is preparing, follow us on the LinkedIn page, reach out to the project team and feel free to invite your networks!