FoSSNet – The Network

The idea behind the Food Systems Science Network

The science field that understands “food as a system” is rapidly evolving and growing in terms of practitioners, research outputs and funding. This relatively “young science” is much called upon to deliver insight and contributions on actions towards food systems transformation. To support and enhance this, a better governance and stronger connection among food systems scientists and their networks is needed.

Connecting the dots in Food Systems Science

The FoSSNet project is committed to addressing this gap, by establishing, mobilising and consolidating an inclusive inter- and transdisciplinary pan-European academic network for food systems science (FSS). Built upon the already existing relations and communities, the FoSSNet network will integrate the various disciplines and, following recommendations of experts, will pave the way for its long-term consolidation and evolvement. 



What are we working on?

1. Mapping the Food Science Community – Discovering the existing networks

FoSSNet will map and analyse the existing networks of scientists and science institutions in the field of FSS, both in terms of research and higher education. In particular, the work will focus on academic centres, national and regional hubs, and European academic networks with regards to their position and collaborations in the innovation system for EU food systems transformation. A preliminary result of the mappings and analyses is expected to be available in the Spring of 2025. A final result will be made available in the first half of 2026.


2. Establishing a stronger network – Creating a new hub for collaboration

The FoSSNet Network will be established by engaging scientists, academic institutions, research performing organisations, and existing networks (i.e., of researchers, science-policy interfaces networks, etc.), operating in the FSS at EU, national and regional level. In doing this, FoSSNet will follow an inter- and intra-disciplinary approach, integrating individuals and entities working in Social Science and Humanities (SSH, such as consumer behaviour, economics, law, political science, etc.) together with the ones working in other food systems disciplines such as natural and life sciences, agriculture, biology, food, food safety, engineering, etc. The network will shape a more effective and inclusive governance for the FSS and contributes to strengthen the European Research Area, as well as the circulation and adoption of FoSSNet results (the conceptual framework, the FoSSNet curricula, etc.). The initial version of the network will be launched in 2026. 



3. Growing the Knowledge Hub Join our expert commitee 

The FoSSNet Network will be reinforced and expanded also thanks to the creation of a Knowledge Hub: a committee of at least 20 experts, representing research groups in different disciplines of the FSS, that will support the project in finding solutions to identified knowledge gap and experiment new concepts and models to enhance the inter- and transdisciplinarity in the FSS.   The Knowledge Hub will be established in Autumn 2025, following an open call for applications that will be disseminated widely. 


4. What Happens Next? Building a Legacy for the Future

The work done during the project lifetime is posing the basis for the FoSSNet network long-term existence and expansion. By the end of the project (January 2028), FoSSNet will release a plan, rules and a governance structure to ensure the network continuation and to ensure that new and additional individuals and entities can join it.

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